Family Mediation week 2023 - supporting separated or divorced parents
Sharing resources which may help separating or divorcing parents.
We cannot give advice during mediation, but part of ensuring good mediation is promoting collaborative, constructive approaches.
Family Mediation Week is a great opportunity to share resources which may help couples who are separated or divorced, or going through this process.
The Separated Parents Information Programme (SPIP) is a course run by CAFCASS (Children and Families Court Advice Service) which helps you understand how to put your children first while you are separating, even though you may be in dispute with your child’s other parent or carer. The course helps parents learn the fundamental principles of how to manage conflict and difficulties, including how to put this in practice.
You will not attend the same session as your ex-partner.
In some areas it is free to attend. There is no charge to attend if you are referred by CAFCASS.
The programme encourages you to take steps for yourselves; this may include developing agreements that do not need court intervention.