International Family Law Arbitration

What to do when an a family has two or more connections throughout the world?

When there are relationship difficulties and necessary court proceedings, which country’s courts or legal system should handle it?

Too often, couples find themselves involved in a protracted, stressful and expensive preliminary dispute about this issue.

The International Family Law Arbitration scheme is an innovative intervention which aims to quickly; sensibly; and fairly decide where disputes should be heard. The Arbitrator, by prior agreement, can determine which country the former couple have the closest connection to. The family law dispute can then be heard under the laws of that country.

There is the added bonus that Arbitration is also private, unlike courts in many countries, which allows people to maintain confidentiality about their marital or relationship difficulties. The Arbitrator is also from a neutral country, entirely unconnected with the dispute. Arbitration is also usually significantly cheaper than traditional methods of resolving disputes and offers a less adversarial approach, satisfactory to both sides. It is forward-looking, fair and progressive.

If both parties provide information quickly, the decision as to which country should host the court proceedings can be made within about four weeks. It allows both parties to save a fortune in legal fees, reduces time spent on the dispute and prevents the need for legal teams in more than one country. The scheme also aims to be more open and transparent than previous methods. It crucially involves an innovative online “closest connection test,” to determine quickly and fairly where the connection lies.

This can have a beneficial effect on other parties involved: especially children, who receive a quick and fair answer, rather than a possible protracted situation on uncertainty and fear of the unknown.

For more information on the scheme: