Compensation and relationship generated disadvantage in family law cases

In the case of separating couples, will an individual be awarded renumeration for foregoing a career in order to be a homemaker and/or raise children?

In a recent case involving solicitors working at the same firm, RC v JC [2020] EWHC 466 (Fam), JC, ‘the wife” was awarded £400,000 as compensation.

This compensation award was based on the fact that she had had a ‘very good chance’ of becoming a partner at the law firm, a loss which meant she had forgone the chance of high remuneration.

How will the consideration of “relationship generated disadvantage” change family law practice in the future?

There are many couples in which one individual has foregone their career in order to care for the couple’s children and be a homemaker. In such cases, this individual can state that they too stood a ‘very good chance’ of flourishing in their career. It would therefore seem likely that there will be an increase in the number of claims made upon the basis of relationship based disadvantage the future.

You can read the full case summary here at the Family Law Hub.