What problems and disputes to Family Law courts deal with?

There are alternatives to court and it is not always the best option for settling family law disputes.

Increasingly alternative dispute resolution solutions such as arbitration, mediation, Financial dispute resolution (FDR), shuttle mediation or collaborative law are becoming prominent.

But it can be useful to know what problems the family court handles and how the system operates? The various types of disputes the Family Court handle:

  • Parental disputes over the upbringing of children
  • Local authority intervention to protect children
  • Decrees relating to divorce
  • Financial support for children after divorce or relationship breakdown
  • Some aspects of domestic violence adoption
  • Family matters are dealt with in the Family Division of the High Court, by district judges in County Courts and in Family Proceedings Courts, which are specialist Magistrates’ Courts.

It is important to know that magistrates sitting in family law courts undergo specialist training before they sit in Family Proceedings Courts. Procedures are very different from the criminal courts.

Cases involving children in the family law courts can be public or private law cases.

Find out more at the Courts and Tribunals Judiciary website by clicking here, or do get in contact for more information on family law dispute resolution services which match your needs.