Helpful support on how to manage remote or video technology family court hearings - Part 2

The family law court will appreciate that you do not have a legal representative by your side and that you are having to deal with perhaps unfamiliar technology.

Resolution have produced a guide on what to expect from a phone or video link family courtroom. You can contact us for any of your family law support needs.

Resolution’s guide includes some advice on how to get ready and ensure the environment is as stress-free as possible.

  • Make sure you have somewhere quiet and private to join the hearing where you will not be interrupted or distracted.
  • There should be as little background noise as possible. Let people who you share the space with know that you must not be interrupted.
  • You may also wish to arrange childcare, if possible and try and ensure that pets cannot interrupt.

The Resolution website has guidance on attending remote family courts. You can click here to access the support package here.