HMCTS family division president calls for focus on wellbeing

HMCTS family division president calls for focus on wellbeing

The latest bulletin from the family division president outlines his concerns over wellbeing and fatigue in the family court system.

Sir Andrew McFarlane, the family division president, said in his latest ‘View from the President’s Chambers:’

‘It is plain that the system is at present running low in terms of the personal reserves of the human beings who work within it. There is currently no light at the end of the tunnel and the current news indicates that we may have many months ahead of us working as we now are’.

He also highlighted the ‘need to continue to be kind and understanding of each other’ as family justice professionals working within the family court system, which remains under immense pressure.

Sir Andrew McFarlane stated that: “every designated Family Judge to whom I have spoken has described a high level of fatigue amongst the judiciary and staff at their courts”.

Wellbeing has to be a priority in order to give clients and their families the high quality service they deserve.

You can read his full article on the UK Judiciary website at this link: The View from the President’s Chambers