Children in the family justice system
An extremely detailed infographic visual representation, produced by the Nuffield foundation, can help show information we know, and that we still need to find out about children entering the family justice system and family courts in England and Wales.
The infographic highlights lack of information about statistical numbers of parents offered mediation as an alternative to court, with ‘support to manage conflict’ statistics only partially known. We do know though statistics on child arrangement orders as outcomes of family private law.
The Nuffield Family Justice Observatory (Nuffield FJO) aims to ‘support better outcomes for children in the family justice system in England and Wales by improving the use of data and research evidence in decision-making’.
You can access the full infographics via this link: to The Nuffield Family Justice Observatory website
According to data from Cafcass and Cafcass Cymru, in 2018/19 the family courts made decisions about the future family relationships of over 70,000 children in England and Wales.