Record £554m divorce settlement

Record £554m divorce settlement

The largest divorce settlement ever granted in the UK was issued last December in a private hearing before Mr. Justice Moor, as reported in the Law Gazette.

The ruler of Dubai was ordered to pay his ex-wife and their two children up to £554m.

The ex-husband Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, must pay a lump sum of £251.5m to Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein of Jordan, within three months

The ex-wife Princess Haya had spent £70m on legal fees across nearly three years of litigation. Sheikh Mohammed’s costs were thought to be higher. The total legal bill was thought to be at least £150m.

Previously the record of approximately £450m was awarded to Tatiana Akhmedov in 2016. This followed from her divorce from Russian billionaire Farkhad Akhmedov.

You can read more about this case through the following links:

Law Gazette article dated 21st December 2021