Being a Resolution Member and what this means for clients

You may have seen that we are Resolution members, but what does this mean?

Resolution’s 6,500 members are family lawyers, mediators, collaborative practitioners, arbitrators and other family justice professionals. Members also include therapeutic and financial professionals. They assist with family law, family mediation and family law disputes including divorce and separation; issues around children, finances and assets including the family home; all offered with a collaborative, non-confrontational approach which suits you and your family. Research has proven that this type of approach can have a positive impact on any children in the family as it minimises worry, conflict and stress, emphasising working together and problem-solving.

Choosing a Resolution member tells you about the type of family solicitor you choose to instruct, so it can be helpful in the decision making process. All Resolution members follow a code of conduct which are committed to a non-adversarial approach to family law and the resolution of family disputes. They have a range of skills and offer families facing change a range of services and resources.

Family Law can be practiced in a way that minimises conflict and promotes amicable agreements, whilst upholding justice and ‘what feels fair’.

As Resolution members, we offer a holistic approach which takes into account the emotional state of the parents concerned and their ability to resolve issues.

Part of helping families find constructive solutions to separation means providing early legal advice. This helps people understand their legal rights and responsibilities, and where possible, helps refer cases away from the family court. This can save time, reduce costs and crucially, improve wellbeing.

You can find more information on splitting up, your rights, divorce and separation through Resolution’s webpages:

You may well both prefer to keep your divorce out of the family courts, and there are so many other options available. Mediation, family arbitration, hybrid mediation and the collaborative process and lawyer negotiations are all different ways of coming to an arrangement on children or finances.