Archive of: 2019

Looking through the lens of childhood, throughout the world and at home

“Significant obstacles to children’s rights remain, especially for the most vulnerable*”

The Children’s Act 1989 - Thirty Years On

Looking at what remains to be achieved, with a focus on the legal sector, thirty years on from The Children’s Act 1989.

Law across the UK: Scottish Law

The Scottish Justice system looks at representing the best interests of children when families break down

The Queen's Speech 2019: Focus on Family Law

What the re-introduction of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill will mean for couples and families in 2019 and beyond

Mediation brings greater chance of satisfactory resolution in Family Law - report from the Irish Law Gazette

Circuit Court Judge Keenan Johnson suggested mediation as a way forward to keep family law disputes of out a courtroom setting.

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