Archive of: October, 2021
Dispute resolution in England and Wales
The Ministry of Justice ‘call for evidence’ into dispute resolution services, including the family dispute resolution means and methods, is reaching its conclusion at the end of the month.
Family Mediation voucher scheme helps 77% reach agreement
Over three quarters of family cases eligible for mediation vouchers were successfully resolved away from court, the president of the Family Division has revealed.
Court backlogs to remain an issue 'for years'
It may be a long wait until 2025 for court backlogs to return to that of pre-pandemic levels.
Family court blocks identically worded divorce petitions
28 divorce petitions from the same company itemised ‘particulars of behaviour’ as absolutely identical to each other.
Expert witnesses in the family court
In accordance with FPR 25.2(1), ‘expert’ means a person who provides expert evidence for use in family proceedings. Rt Hon Sir Andrew McFarlane, the President of The Family Division, has released a memorandum exploring and clarifying the role of expert witnesses in the family court.
Cafcass published private law data from September
Private law demand monitors applications made following a divorce or separation about the arrangements for children, such as where a child will live or with whom a child will spend time.
Mediation starts increase over the past quarter
Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAMs) volumes were 43% higher than in the same quarter of 2020.