Archive of: June, 2021

Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act

The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020, allowing married couples to divorce without assigning blame, will come into force on 6th April 2022.

'Separation contracts:' Bill and Melinda Gates show divorce agreement can be reached without litigation

Is it necessary to go through family courts to divorce?

Raising legal age of marriage to 18 in England and Wales

Campaigners have celebrated raising the legal age of marriage in the UK to 18. Currently couples can marry at 16, providing they have parental consent to do so.

Child Maintenance Service consultation launched

A consultation has been launched seeking views on a number of proposed legislative changes to the Child Maintenance Service.

The Law Society - Find a Solicitor

You can use the handy ‘find a solicitor’ function on the Law Society website to get the professional trusted help you may need.

Third consultation on family courts since the start of the pandemic to go ahead

Survey to examine the impact of the pandemic on the family court system.

Preventing ‘wrong and unjust’ outcomes in email court orders

The Law Gazette has recently reported on one family case where a rapid online exchange led to a ‘wrong and unjust’ outcome.

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