Archive of: March, 2024
Happy Easter to all our clients!
Wishing all Kent and Surrey Family Resolution clients old, new and prospective a peaceful Easter 2024!
Non-confrontational ways to divorce or separate
Talking can seem hard when divorcing or separating. How can dispute resolution help have difficult discussions in a collaborative way to reach solutions for your family which feel ‘fair.’
What support and help is available when going through the divorce or separation process?
You can apply for a divorce yourself. However, seeking legal advice from a family solicitor can help with making arrangements for children, money or property if you divorce or separate.
What are the differences between the roles of a Family Mediator and Family Solicitor?
Which one do I need at which point, and can I use both?
Early legal advice funding pilot to help settle family disputes away from court
More than 60,000 private law children and contested finance cases went through the family courts in 2022.
Lowest Divorce rates in half a century
The Office for National Statistics has reported the latest figures for divorce in England and Wales.