Archive of: March, 2022

Experts in the Family Justice System

The recently established ‘Committee on Experts in the Family Justice System’ have published a newsletter with recommendations and training for expert witnesses providing evidence in the family court.

Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 - No-fault divorce coming into place

The biggest reform of divorce laws in half a century comes into place in less that 2 weeks. It aims to reduce the impact that conflict and allegations of ‘blame’ for the split can have on families and children.

Alternatives to going to Family Court

If you are dealing with family breakdown or divorce, the legal process and potential alternatives to family court may be playing on your mind as possibilities.

Cohabiting couples - did you the law does not recognise this status?

Even if a couple has lived together for years or have children, there is no legal recognition as a couple, making it very difficult to claim a share in the family home ora partner’s finances if a couple splits up.

How can you tell if a law firm is regulated by the Solicitor's Regulation Authority?

When searching for a family law firm, a good place to start can be the Solicitor’s Regulation Authority (SRA) website. They hold a list of all law firms in England and Wales which are genuine and regulated.

Cybersecurity - Common Sense Guidelines

Safe Havens, scammers and keeping your data safe.

Being alert for Cybercrime

Cybercrime is on the increase during the covid-19 pandemic. What are some basic steps to protect yourself from fraud, phishing and cybercrime.

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