Archive of: July, 2020
Latest statistics show marked upturn in private family law cases
CAFCASS stands for Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service.
Cafcass represents children in family court cases in England. This includes independently advising the family courts about what is safe for children and in their best interests.
How to fairly handle pensions following divorce - clear national guidance Part 2
The statistics were revealing: of the 369 court files with a final financial remedy order studied, 80% revealed at least one relevant pension and yet only 14% contained a pension order.
How to fairly handle pensions following divorce - clear national guidance Part 1
The Pensions Advisory Group (PAG) have published its essential guide to the treatment of pensions on divorce.
Pensions are often the largest asset in a divorce settlement after property. Their complexity is laden with risk which has in recent years caught the attention of the claims management sector.
Getting back to business in the family courts: Cloud Video Platform
The Cloud Video Platform is now in use in family courts to help deal efficiently and fairly with children, financial and family law cases. There has been increased pressure on the already overburdened family court service prior to lockdown.
The Law Society update on The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill
The Law Society support The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill, particularly the need to remove fault from the divorce process. However, their submission identifies potential challenges under the Human Rights Act.
Helpful support on how to manage remote or video technology family court hearings - Part 2
The family law court will appreciate that you do not have a legal representative by your side and that you are having to deal with perhaps unfamiliar technology.
Helpful support on how to manage remote or video technology family court hearings - Part 1
Resolution have issued guidance for litigants in person on remote hearings in the Family Court. Do contact us for any further advice or support you may need.
We are here to help you navigate family law needs smoothly during these unfamiliar times.